Friday, September 27, 2013

Tips When Managing EV Olive Oil

By Robert Sutter

It's apparent that many details are associated with EV olive oil but has there been enough attention given to the actual storing of the product? It's clear that this is the kind of item that should be handled carefully and not many individuals understand just how important this is. That being said, are there certain rules which should be taken into account? From what I was able to pick up on, I believe that there are some rules which can come into play to help preserve this oil type.

You have probably noticed that EV olive oil is typically stored in darker bottles. You have to keep in mind that authorities the likes of Bellucci Premium understand just how vital darker hues truly are. They are able to keep sunlight blocked for the most part and reduce fading of antioxidants, almost in the same way that blocking light from grapes keeps them from shriveling. This is just one of many ways that smart storage can be seen and this is the step that I personally recommend most.

While on the subject of heat, you should think about how the oil is stored in this regard. You want to preserve the antioxidants associated with this oil type, after all, and I think it's apparent that being able to place it on certain surfaces is important. You may not want to rest it above a stove, for example. Instead, think about utilizing a cupboard for the sake of this particular item, especially when you take into account that it's not a kitchen item that runs on electricity.

Another reason why I have focused on the idea of a cupboard was because of how light will not be able to get through nearly as easily. The Sun may be seen as one of the common enemies of this oil type and I think that there's more to it than simply heat. The brightness of the Sun could impact it negatively, not unlike how it would film in order to make it go bad. In this regard, think of oil almost along the lines of a liquid film and execute the same level of care.

EV olive oil is meant to be utilized, which goes without saying, but you have to properly store it after use as well. It's clear that you have to make the most of this item but you have to realize that it's not going to stay at a high level of quality if you do not take the necessary precautions. You may have a dark bottle to store said oil within but being able to keep it out of constant light and heat is vital, too. This will leave you with a better item in the long run.

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