Saturday, June 15, 2013

Intense Bodybuilding And The Responsibilities Of Dietary Fat

By Bob Steele

Most people have a image of bodybuilding as maximum weight and fat loss with obvious muscle gain. That does seem to make sense, so it could seem to go against the grain to hear that eating foods that contain fats is important. Dietary fat may be a confusing subject if you aren't aware of how the body uses fats. Current research is uncovering all sorts of interesting details on the subject. The information from this research could be of great interest to bodybuilders curious about how nutrition affects the body. Current knowledge and wise practice can give you more of the results you are seeking.

It's common knowledge that there are some fats that are better for us than others. Bodybuilders and the rest of us should make an effort to supplant saturated fats from animals with the more beneficial unsaturated fats. We already know that our bodies lack the ability to produce Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

When it comes to knowing which fats a bodybuilder needs to avoid and which to eat there is more to the story than simple generalizations. Specifically, you need to get three types of Omega fatty acids, and they are simply called Omega 3, 6, and 9. Common foods contain these acids and each one has imperative biochemical process. If possible, saturated fats should be eschewed. Nevertheless, trans fats, often termed saturated fats, should be avoided.

It is easy for inexperienced bodybuilders to get off on the wrong foot when it comes to fats in a proper diet. The most common mistakes is to avoid as much fat as possible. The belief is that minimizing dietary fat will lower excess body fat and increase muscle development.

It is imperative to find a source of foods that have a profusion of the Omega class of fatty acids, or EFA's. An abundant derivation of Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in cold water fish as well as other foods. Many oils have Omega 6 fatty acids including safflower, sunflower and evening primrose oils. Most supplements can be found in a wide variety of qualities, as you will see. Storing oil supplements at the correct temperature is therefore imperative. Some oils will lose their potency and become rancid unless they are kept in the optimal light situation.

But bodybuilders have greater nutritional needs simply because of the intensity of their training. Choosing to eat the healthier fats in the proper ratios is the best course of action. When you do that you will discover that in time there will be optimal fat loss along with muscle gain.

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