Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Arthritis Joint Pain Caused by Food Allergies

By Pamela Love

Foods That Cause Joint Pain

A lot of different foods either inflame your arthritis or arthritis is actually a bunch of food allergies, it isn't known which. It doesn't matter, though, because it is certain that if you have joint swelling and pain, it is certain foods that is bringing it on. By avoiding these foods, you'll live a pain-free life with arthritis. Plus, you won't have to take drugs and you won't have to move to the desert.

Dairy Products Cause Joint Pain

Dairy is the most common ingredient that causes joint pain and joint swelling for those with arthritis. Most people are eating so many things that inflame arthritis that they never noticed the connection between joint pain and dairy. By avoiding butter, milk, cheese, whey and all ingredients beginning with "lact," the pain will lessen within a few days.

One trick to quickly identify a prepackaged food as dairy is to do what Jewish people do, look for the kosher symbol on the box. Kosher products will typically have a U with a circle around it or a K with a circle around it. If the product contains any dairy ingredient, then there will be a D or the work dairy next to the symbol. Rabbi are very strict about dairy in food. The Food and Drug Administration is not. They will allow up to 2% of a product's ingredients to be not listed on the food label.

Foods That are Known to Inflame the Joints with Arthritis

The biggest food problem area is dairy foods, whether they be milk products or eggs. Other common problem foods are palm oil, citrus fruits and tomatoes. By avoiding these foods you'll feel better within the week. As you go along and eat something that isn't good for you, you'll recognize the telltale signs immediately and can avoid that in your diet also.

Citrus Causes Joint Pain with Arthritis

Citrus, like milk products, is very difficult to avoid. You wouldn't think so, but you will see it on so many things when you shop for food and read ingredients labels. Citric acid is used in most candy that isn't chocolate and it is in just about every soda pop and juice. It is a common preservative in food. This means, you need to make your own candies and give up sodas and juices. Your doctor will be very happy about that one.

Joint Pain Cause by Nightshade Plants

Nightshade plants are known for their poisonous nature and we eat the tomato anyway. However, if you have arthritis, you need to consider them poisonous because they do cause your joints to swell and inflame. You may have noticed this because your body is in a constant state of inflammation from many foods you're eating that cause problems for you. Once you clear your system out, it'll be very easy to identify problem foods. You will start to swell and have pain within an hour of eating them.

It is a long battle to weed out foods to which you're allergic, but the pay off is wonderful. You will no longer have pain and swelling in your joints if you do not eat foods that are causing the problem in the first place.

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