Thursday, August 22, 2013

Making Your Own Lactose Free Ice Cream

By Scarlet Black

There are a lot of people who are lactose intolerant, they make up about 70% of the world's population. This is one of the reasons why a lot of businessmen and manufacturers are thinking of ways that they can provide these people with the opportunity to enjoy foods that they usually avoid without the risk of experiencing the symptoms of lactose intolerance. But let us first know what lactose intolerance is. It's a kind of deficiency wherein the there is insufficient to no production of lactase. Since lactase is the one that helps to break down lactose, commonly found in sugar in milk, absence of lactase would mean that lactose will not be absorbed properly by the body. Once this happens, taking milk will produce symptoms of lactose intolerance.

People who are lactose intolerant will try to avoid taking foods that contain milk or milk products to avoid experiencing the symptoms. Another option that they have is to consume milk products that are lactose-free, in this way they will still be able to enjoy those foods and beverages that they do not usually enjoy.

Because of its creamy texture, sweetness and its ability to add tasty flavor to the food being prepared, milk is one of the most commonly used ingredients for desserts. But most milk contains lactose, which is why people with lactose intolerance are limited in terms of desserts that they are allowed to eat. Aside from that, since milk is one of the main ingredients of ice cream, lactose intolerant individuals avoid taking ice cream. But because of technological advancements, there are now ice cream made up of lactose free ingredients therefore people with lactose intolerance will be able to enjoy eating ice cream without worrying about their digestive condition. Below is an example of a lactose free ice cream recipe:

cup of apple strawberry juice (you can change this depending on the kind of juice or flavor you want), 2/3 cup of all fruit jam, 3 cups of vanilla soy milk, a teaspoon of vanilla and 2 teaspoon of gelatin(preferably kosher) are the ingredients for the lactose free ice cream that we are going to make.

First thing to do is to prepare the apple strawberry-juice so that you will be able to sprinkle gelatin over it. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes until the gelatin is softened and dissolved while occasionally stirring it. Then, the soy milk and strawberry jam should be whisked together in a medium saucepan. Let it cook until this becomes slightly hot and make sure to stir it from time to time. After that, you can remove it from the heat. Once the strawberry mix is slightly hot, you can then add the softened gelatin mixture and stir them together until the gelatin is completely dissolved. You can then add the vanilla and let the mixture cool down. For the final step, you have to spoon the chilled mix and place in an ice cream maker. Since there are different kinds of ice cream maker, you have to check the manual of your own ice cream maker for instructions regarding the equipment needed and the length of time that you need for your ice cream mix to become an ice cream. Once your lactose-free ice cream is finished, you can then enjoy eating your own ice cream without worrying of you digestive condition.

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